May 16, 2008

NEW Online Classes!

Hi Everyone
It is with much excitement that I let you all know about the launch of my online classes. I am very excited to bring you the first class which is "Vintage Style Greetings Cards" which will begin on Monday 9th June.

Each class will be hosted on a private blog but also has the option to download the lessons if you want to complete the class in your own time. Otherwise the class is running for 4 weeks and you will learn how to create 4 stunning vintage style greeting cards using a variety of techniques.

For all the info and to sign up please click here:

I can't wait to teach with you!



Lunara said...

wow.. beautiful blog.. and is a great idea the online classes.. good luck..!

Adriana Whitney said...

Awesome! I wish you great success teaching.
Adri xoxo