August 19, 2008

Authentic You


My friend Julia and I were discussing today about style and how it relates to our art work. Since I have taken on some classes with other artists I found myself wondering how I could follow the class and still be authentic to my own style and was this even possible?

Follow our conversation here and let us know your thoughts in the comments.



Tara Reed said...

I love your work! And I think you absolutely can be inspired by others and maintain your own sense of style - what flows out of you will flow out of me differently.

Keep up the beautiful work!


Mónica Zúñiga said...

I think you are a great artist with a lot of style! And that comes from loving what you do, it´s your own individual expression and interpretation what makes the work to be unique and truly yours! :D

Jennifer Snellings said...

Hi Niki!

We are in class together again! I was excited to see your name on the class blog. I was in Paulette's class with you and we talked a bit on the Christian mixed media flickr group.

Anyway, I wanted to say Hi and that I love your work! I've been wondering the same about developing and staying true to my own style while learning from other amazing artists! I'm going to hop on over and read more about your conversation. :)