October 24, 2014

New video Series - Episode 1

My plan was to show you how I painted my Winter Angel hanging heart but the recording messed up so that will be a time lapse video, which I will put up next.

This first episode of my new video series shares what's been happening with me and plans for the future. I'm working on a snowman painting as I talk to you.

For future videos it would be great to answer your art questions and share with you what I can, so if you have a question or something you would like me to talk about next, please leave me a comment or send me a message.


Kiel said...

Loved it, Niki! So nice to hear your voice and see a bit of your process! I look forward to you making more videos in the future. :)
P.S.-- that snowman is adorable already! Cant wait to see the finished product!

bananaorangeapple said...

What a great idea!