August 25, 2009

Free – Celebrate Life!


Just before the weekend you may have seen me mention feeling like dancing on twitter. I’d already woken up in a good mood but when I sat down to go through emails etc I just had this sudden urge to dance, it was quite funny really. Not really like me to be dancing first thing in the morning lol. So Ellie and I had a little fun dancing around the room, feeling very silly and then it came to me. This idea of painting ‘Millie’ (my latest character) dancing with a floaty white dress on, simply celebrating being alive and being happy.

I couldn’t wait to sketch her out and get painting, so I started right away and here she is!

I am so pleased with how she turned out and can’t wait to do more.

Original is available here.




ellie said...

perfect! LOL.......and wish I could've seen you and Ellie dancing, Niki! *giggle*......I'm glad you are free enough to do stuff like that! Not everyone nice to know someone who can be silly and have a good time doing it! :D (can't wait to see where Millie shows up next!)

Niki said...

@: Thanks so much Ellie lol